the GUI, launched by the ShinyGR() function, now
displays fact sheets of catchments again if the dataset name contains
the station code (10 characters: 1 letter and 9 digits) from the
Hydroportail website (so it is available only for datasets from this
French database). (#79)
the GUI, launched by the ShinyGR() function, has its
authors’ list removed and the screenshots optimized to reduce their file
size. (#80)
0.3.3 Release Notes (2024-07-23)
User-visible changes
the figure of the “Pessimistic zero precipitation scenario” section
is now corrected in the ‘Low-flow forecasting’ vignette. (#78)
the DOI used in the CITATION file is now the one provided by the
CRAN. (#77)
the ShinyGR() now returns a message to explain how to
diconnect the GUI from R. (#76)
private utility functions are no longer exported by the namespace
(.CheckUrl(), .DiagramGR(),
.DyShadingMulti(), .StartStop(),
.TypeModelGR()). (#73)
0.3.2 Release Notes (2023-07-11)
New features
plot.CalGR() and plot.SimGR() gain a
log_scale argument to display flow time series with a
logarithmic scale. (#71)
Bug fixes
bug fixed in plot.CalGR() and
plot.SimGR(). The functions work well when
log_scale = TRUE to display flow time series with a
logarithmic scale. (#71)
0.3.1 Release Notes (2022-12-15)
New features
added the GetCrit and GetParam S3 methods
in order to get respectively the error criterion value and the model
parameter set from the outputs of CalGR() and
SimGR() functions. (#62)
added 4 vignettes to explain more deeply the package options (1
vignette: “Teaching hydrology”), and to offer example tutorials as
hydrological teaching projects (3 vignettes: “Flow reconstruction”,
“Forecasting”, and “Climate change”; available both in English and
French). (#47)
Bug fixes
bug fixed in plot.CalGR(), now returns no more the
"synth" graph when which = "perf". (#63)
User-visible changes
add the possibility to disable the warm-up period of the model using
the CalGR() and SimGR() functions (if
WupPer = 0L). (#52)
add the possibility to choose other graphical outputs in the
functions plot.CalGR() and plot.SimGR() using
the which argument . (#6)
the dyplot S3 method has been cleaned. The internal
.dyplot() replace dyplot.default() function.
The dyplot.PrepGR(), dyplot.CalGR() and
dyplot.SimGR() aliases and usages have been added the
dyplot() help page (#61)
the Font Awesome icon names used in the GUI have been updated to
avoid warning messages during the launch by the ShinyGR()
function. (#61)
0.2.13 Release Notes (2022-03-03)
Bug fixes
bug fixed in PrepGR() and by consequence in
ShinyGR() when the dataset given to the ObsDF
argument is a tibble object. (#49)
User-visible changes
in order to avoid duplicated warning messages, the use of the
.onAttach() command has been removed from the
ShinyGR() function, because it is already call from the
dyplot() function which is use in ShinyGR().
the ‘Model diagram’ plot exported from the GUI launched by
ShinyGR() has been resized to avoid to wide title when the
the parameter values are large. (#54)
the deprecated icon names from ‘Font Awesome’ have been updated to
avoid warning messages when the ShinyGR() function is used.
The FUN_CRIT deprecated argument (since ‘airGR’ has been removed from the use of Calibration()
call by the CalGR() function. (#56)
0.2.12 Release Notes (2021-08-06)
Bug fixes
bug fixed in the GUI launched by ShinyGR(), it is
possible to the export the GR2M model diagram PNG file again. (#40)
bug fixed in SimGR() which can now simulate a period
with no observed flow. Previously, it could only be run in this case
when the observed flow was missing from the output of
PrepGR() on the whole period and not just on a subperiod.
User-visible changes
displaying a message when the package is attached from RStudio and
also when the GUI is launched by ShinyGR() in order to warn
users about GUI instability problems. (#46)
added explanation of the use of the GR5H model in the
PrepGR() help page. (#41)
the text relating to the GR2M model in the ‘GUI Help’ image
displayed by the GUI launched by ShinyGR() is corrected.
replace the use of class() by inherits()
in order to test the classes of inputs in all functions. (#45)
now depends on R >= 3.6.0 in order to be sure to have the
packages ‘shiny’ >= 1.1.0 and ‘htmlwidgets’ >= 1.5.3 available (#5)
now depends on ‘airGR’ >= ‘airGRteaching’ uses the new
‘Ps’ output of the RunModel_GR2M function (#51)
and the new SeriesAggreg() function (#25,
from ‘airGR’
now suggests ‘htmlwidgets’ >= 1.5.3, available on the CRAN. It
avoids troubles with the use of dynamic graphics of the ‘dygraphs’
package (called by the dyplot*() and the
ShinyGR() functions) (#5) Release Notes (2020-10-19)
New features
GUI, launched by the ShinyGR() function, now displays a
new tab panel that shows a summary sheets of basin if the name of the
dataset contains the code station (8 characters : 1 letter and 7 digits)
of the Banque Hydro French database (so it is available only for the
dataset of this database) (#10)
the theme agument of the ShinyGR()
function now works even if a wrong character case is used
CRAN-compatibility updates
when the package is attached or when the dyplot() and
the ShinyGR() function are used, a message warns the users
if they use a version of ‘htmlwidgets’ < The latest
version of this package, available on GitHub, avoids troubles with the
use of dynamic graphics of the ‘dygraphs’ package (called by the
dyplot*() and the ShinyGR() functions) (#5) Release Notes (2020-02-28)
New features
added method in order to create
a data.frame from outputs of PrepGR(),
CalGR() and SimGR() functions. This
data.frame always presents the same structure and contains
observed flow, simulated flow, simulated solid precipitation fraction,
etc. When it does not make sense, the concerned column is assigned with
NA values (e.g. Qsim with the PrepGR()
a digital object identifier (DOI) now allows to identify the manual
of the ‘airGRteaching’ package. When you use airGRteaching in your work,
please always cite both the article and the manual. The last one allows
to know the version of the package that is used in order to enhance
reproducible research. The references can be displayed with the
citation("airGRteaching") command
two themes of alternative stylesheet are available
("Inrae" and "Saclay") using the
theme agument of the ShinyGR() function
Deprecated and defunct
CalGR argument is now deprecated in the
SimGR() function. It has been replaced by the use of the
Param argument which can be set by an object of the class
CalGR or by a vector of parameters
Bug fixes
ShinyGR() now runs when independent arguments
(DatesR, Precip, etc.) are used instead of the
ObsDF argument
User-visible changes
it is now possible to use the GR4H and GR5H hourly models with or
without CemaNeige. For that, in the PrepGR(), the
HydroModel argument could be set to "GR4H" or
"GR5H". In the GUI, launched by ShinyGR()
function, nothing changed, only the daily models are available. So, now
airGRteaching depends on the version of ‘airGR’ >= (#7)
it is now possible to run the PrepGR() function when
discharge is not provided in Qobs. If it is the case, the
CalGR() function will return an error message because it is
not possible to calibrate the model. The SimGR() function
will return a warning message because it is not possible to compute any
efficiency criterion
it is now possible to run the ShinyGR() function when
discharge is not provided in Qobs
when observed discharge is provided in ShinyGR(), the
first plotting panel now draws the flow error time series (#4)
plot() function is now exported
dyplot.PrepGR(), dyplot.CalGR() and
dyplot.SimGR() functions are no longer exported
there is now only one help page for all plot.*()
functions (use ?plot to call it)
CRAN-compatibility updates
when the package is loaded, a message warns the users if they use a
version of ‘htmlwidgets’ < The latest version of this
package, available on GitHub, avoids troubles with the use of dynamic
graphics of the ‘dygraphs’ package (called by the dyplot*()
and the ShinyGR() functions) (#5) Release Notes (2019-05-02)
Bug fixes
ShinyGR() can export the csv table again. It was broken
due to modifications to the version of the ‘airGR’
User-visible changes
it is now possible to export the diagram plot of the model from the
ShinyGR() interface Release Notes (2019-04-23)
Bug fixes
ShinyGR() may now run for any timezone
ShinyGR() takes into account the fact that on 1 time
step airGR::ErrorCrit_KGE do not return CritName (temporary
ShinyGR() takes into account the fact that the previous
simulation could have a missing value criterion
ShinyGR() takes into account the fact the prevuous Qsim
is sometimes to long of one value (temporary patch)
User-visible changes
the WarmUp element returned by CalGR() and
SimGR() now presents a timezone defined as UTC Release Notes (2019-04-03)
User-visible changes
the CemaNeige model is now allowed when the model diagram is drawn
in ShinyGR()
.DiagramGR() and .TypeModelGR() are now
private functions
time format of “Period” and “Event” sliders of the
ShinyGR() function is now "%Y-%m-%d" with the
latest versions of the ‘shiny’ package (like it was with th old
CRAN-compatibility updates
now depends on the latest version ( of the ‘airGR’
package: CalGR(), SimGR() and
ShinyGR() have been updated
the ‘htmlwidgets’ package is no longer imported Release Notes (2018-08-08)
User-visible changes
the article reference is updated
.DiagramGR() no longer returns errors when inputs are
not yet available in ShinyGR()
CRAN-compatibility updates
now depends on the latest version ( of the ‘dygraphs’
package from CRAN (embeded ‘dygraphs’ functions have been removed) Release Notes (2018-03-21)
Bug fixes
bug fixed in ShinyGR(), the criteria values are now
right on Unix system
User-visible changes
vignette added Release Notes (2018-03-16)
CRAN-compatibility updates
embeding ‘dygraphs’ functions to avoid user to install the last
version of this package from GitHub (import of devtools not
necessary) Release Notes (2018-02-01)
Bug fixes
bug fixed in ShinyGR() when C1 (or C2) is modified
after calibration; the calibration button is now reset
bug fixed in warm-up, calibration and simulation periods checks in
CalGR() and SimGR() functions
Deprecated and defunct
ObsBV argument has been renamed ObsDF in
PrepGR() and ShinyGR() functions
User-visible changes
update and homogenization of the unit of time abbreviation in
.TypeModelGR() and ShinyGR()
graphical parameters recorded and executed when the
plot.PrepGR(), plot.CalGR() and
plot.SimGR() functions exit Release Notes (2018-01-30)
Deprecated and defunct
ObsGR() function (and relatives arguments in
CalGR() and SimGR() has been renamed
PrepGR() Release Notes (2018-01-30)
Bug fixes
missing exchange added on exp. store when plotting GR6J model
diagram in ShinyGR()
exp store now appears exported png file of state variables plot in
ShinyGR() when GR6J is used
animate button fixed in ShinyGR()
bug fixed in ShinyGR() to show previous sim. when model
or dataset changes
bug fixed in ShinyGR() to show previous sim. when time
window changes but keeps the same length
bug fixed to disable calibration when there is no Qobs in
User-visible changes
it is now possible to draw the model diagram in
ShinyGR() using the GR6J model
exp. store now appears in state variables plot in
ShinyGR() when GR6J is used
update and homogenization of the unit of time abbreviation in
.TypeModelGR() and ShinyGR()
write “< - 99.99” in the criteria table of ShinyGR()
when a criterion is very low
ShinyGR() now allows a list format for
ObsBV data.frame and CemaNeige inputs Release Notes (2017-11-29)
Bug fixes
ObsGR() function now returns an error if the time zone
is not defined as "UTC"
in ShinyGR() background color defined to black when the
Flatly theme is used
bug fixed in ShinyGR() when inputs are defined in
vectors (not in a data.frame)
Psol et Pliq bars are reversed in dyplot.default()
User-visible changes
new reactive to prepare data for plotting in the
ShinyGR() interface Release Notes (2017-10-05)
User-visible changes
SimGR() now runs only once to compute all
it is now possible to show the table of the last simulation criteria
in the ShinyGR() interface
it is now possible to export state variable plot from the
ShinyGR() interface Release Notes (2017-09-29)
New features
dyplot() now allows to draw an additional time series
of flow
Bug fixes
bug fixed when zooming after changing snow model on plot to see the
last simulation in ShinyGR()
dyplot() now plots Pliq and Psol when CemaNeige is used
(dyStackedBarGroup() instead of the plotter argument)
User-visible changes
disable and enable buttons in ShinyGR() interface
(using the ‘shinyjs’ package)
it is now possible to register the last simulation and draw it on
Model diagram of ShinyGR() Release Notes (2017-09-14)
New features
it is now possible to export some plots and tables from
ShinyGR() interface
in ShinyGR(), TypeModel inputIds renamed
into HydroModel
Bug fixes
period slider is linked to the ‘dygraphs’ selected period
Deprecated and defunct
deprecated Param arguments in
User-visible changes
the size of the “Model performance” plot is now adapted if CemaNeige
is used or not
CRAN-compatibility updates
dyplot() updated to be compatible with ‘dygraphs’ >= (available only on GitHub) Release Notes (2017-07-21)
New features
ShinyGR() now use ‘dygraphs’ devices (except for model
User-visible changes
dyplot.default() now draws precipitation as a true bar
plot and not a step plot Release Notes (2017-06-22)
New features
added GR5J in the Model diagram of ShinyGR()
it is now possible to choose the objective function to calibrate the
Bug fixes
NA values can be drawn by dyplot*() functions Release Notes (2017-06-02)
New features
shiny.SimGR() now presents a theme argument that allows
to change the stylesheet
Deprecated and defunct
the shiny.SimGR() function has been renamed into
Bug fixes
bug fixed in ShinyGR() to plot state variables with
User-visible changes
the shiny.SimGR() function has been renamed into
ShinyGR() Release Notes (2017-03-21)
User-visible changes
in shiny.SimGR() if the model diagram is plotted, the
animation can be run only from the Event slider and no more from the
“Period” slider
SimGR() now also returns the OptionsCrit
CRAN-compatibility updates
the package now depends on ‘airGR’ version Release Notes (2017-01-19)
New features
it is now possible to calibrate the model in
shiny.SimGR() and to draw new plots
dyplot.default() gains a Roller period
Deprecated and defunct
TypeModelGR() is now a private function
Bug fixes
bug fixed, it is now possible to run CalGR() with
verbose = FALSE
bug fixed in plot.CalGR() (it does not use anymore a
global variable)