
From R-universe

The recommended way to install evalhyd-r is to use the R-universe platform:

Install evalhyd-r from R-universe
> install.packages(
+     'evalhyd',
+     repos = c('',
+               '')
+ )

From conda-forge

evalhyd-r is also available on conda-forge, so that it can be installed with any conda-like package manager:

Install using mamba and the conda-forge channel
$ mamba install -c conda-forge r-evalhyd


RStudio users can install evalhyd-r, R, and RStudio in the same environment, and then use this RStudio directly:

Create an environment and install the required libraries
$ mamba create -n my-r-env -c conda-forge r rstudio r-evalhyd
Activate the environment
$ mamba activate my-r-env
Fire up RStudio
$ rstudio


This method will not work for Windows users.

From source

To build evalhyd-r from source, use the following shell commands:

Clone GitLab repository
$ git clone --recursive ""
Install from cloned source
$ R CMD INSTALL evalhyd-r


The following libraries are required to install evalhyd-r:
