Use evalhyd to evaluate GloFAS reforecast data


This tutorial contains modified Copernicus Emergency Management Service information 2024. Neither the European Commission nor ECMWF is responsible for any use that may be made of the Copernicus information or data it contains.

The prediction data used in this tutorial is the GloFAS v2.2 river discharge reforecast data 1 produced by Zsoter et al. (2020) 2.

The observation data used in this tutorial is the GloFAS-ERA5 v2.1 river discharge reanalysis data 3 produced by Harrigan et al. (2021) 4.

These can both be downloaded from Copernicus’ Climate Data Store.

These datasets were downloaded as GRIB files before a subset of them was performed to extract specific grid boxes corresponding to the GloFAS stations G0518, G0554, and G0565 and stored as NetCDF files. The prediction and observation data for these three stations is made available on the GitHub page hosting this documentation (hydrogr/evalhyd).

Load the prediction and observation data

The NetCDF prediction and observation data mentioned above must first be read at once as a multi-sites dataset. This can easily be done in Python using a library such as xarray.

Read in the prediction and observation data using xarray
import xarray as xr

def add_station_as_coord(xd):
    stn = xd.encoding['source'].split('_')[-1].split('.nc')[0]
    xd['dis24'] = xd['dis24'].assign_coords(station=stn)
    return xd

prd = xr.open_mfdataset(

obs = xr.open_mfdataset(
Reorder the dimensions to follow evalhyd convention
prd = prd.transpose(
    'station',  # sites
    'step',  # lead times
    'number',  # members
    'time'  # time
obs = obs.transpose(
    'station',  # sites
    'time'  # time

Align the prediction and the observation dates

evalhyd expects to be given prediction and observation data whose time dimensions correspond to the same dates. These are the dates for which prediction data is valid for (i.e. issue date + lead time), rather than the dates for which prediction data was issued.

Replace the observation time dimension coordinate with valid_time coordinate so that the time dimension can be used to get temporal subsets corresponding to the prediction data
obs['time'] = obs.valid_time
Determine necessary observation data dates
import numpy as np

dts = np.unique(prd.valid_time.values)
Map prediction data onto observation dates
prd_arr = np.zeros(
    (prd.station.size, prd.step.size, prd.number.size, dts.size)
prd_arr[:] = np.nan

for s in range(prd.step.size):
    # get mask selecting dates where a prediction exists
    msk = np.in1d(dts, prd.valid_time.isel(step=s))
    # use mask to map prediction data into array
    prd_arr[:, s, :, :][:, :, msk] = prd.values[:, s, :, :]
    prd_arr[:, s, :, :][:, :, msk] = prd.values[:, s, :, :]

Compute scores to evaluate the prediction against the observation data

Now that the prediction and observation dates are aligned, evalhyd can be used to compute any of the probabilistic metrics it gives access to. Here, we show how to compute the CRPS computed from the empirical cumulative density function.

compute the CRPS probabilistic score using evalhyd
import evalhyd

crps_forecast, = evalhyd.evalp(

Prepare benchmarks in view to compute skill scores from scores

As done by Harrigan et al. (2023) 5, persistence and climatology benchmarks are often used as references to produce dimensionless skill scores from evaluation scores. Here, we will compute the CRPSS from the CRPS.

Persistence benchmark

The persistence benchmark can be described as follows:

« Persistence benchmark forecast is defined as the single GloFAS-ERA5 daily river discharge of the day preceding the reforecast start date. The same river discharge value is used for all lead times. For example, for a forecast issued on 3 January at 00:00 UTC, the persistence benchmark forecast is the average river discharge over the 24 h time step from 2 January 00:00 UTC to 3 January 00:00 UTC, and the same value is used as benchmark for all 30 lead times (i.e., 4 January to 2 February). »

—Harrigan et al. (2023) 5, sect. 3.2

Map persistence benchmark onto observations dates
prs_arr = np.zeros(
    (prd.station.size, prd.step.size, dts.size)
prs_arr[:] = np.nan

for s in range(prd.step.size):
    # get mask selecting dates where a forecast exists
    msk = np.in1d(dts, prd.valid_time.isel(step=s))
    # use mask to map observation data into array
    prs_arr[:, s, :][:, msk] = obs.sel(time=prd.time).values
Compute the persistence benchmark CRPS one site at a time because evalhyd deterministic evaluation is 2D-only
crps_persistence = np.zeros(
    (prd.station.size, prd.step.size, 1, 1)
crps_persistence[:] = np.nan

for s in range(prd.station.size):
    crps_persistence[s] = evalhyd.evald(
        q_obs=obs.isel(station=s).sel(time=dts).values[np.newaxis, :],


Since, for a deterministic forecast, the CRPS is equal to the MAE, the deterministic metric MAE is used for the persistence benchmark.

Climatology benchmark

The climatology benchmark can be described as follows:

« Climatology benchmark forecast is based on a 40-year climatological sample (1979–2018) of moving 31 d windows of GloFAS-ERA5 river discharge reanalysis values, centred on the date being evaluated (±15 d). From each 1240-valued climatological sample (i.e. 40 years × 31 d window), 11 fixed quantiles (Qn) at 10 % intervals were extracted (Q0, Q10, Q20, …, Q80, Q90, Q100). The fixed quantile climate distribution used therefore varies by lead time, capturing the temporal variability in local river discharge climatology. »

—Harrigan et al. (2023) 5, sect. 3.2

Apply 31-day rolling windows on 40-year climatological sample
wdw = obs.sel(time=slice('1979', '2018')).rolling(time=31, center=True)
Compute quantiles for each day of year over time and window (i.e. across 40y and 31d)
qtl = wdw.construct('window').chunk({"time": -1}).groupby('time.dayofyear').quantile(
    [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0],
    dim=('time', 'window')
Map climatology benchmark onto observation dates
clm_arr = np.zeros((prd.station.size, prd.step.size, prd.number.size, dts.size))
clm_arr[:] = np.nan

for s in range(prd.step.size):
    # get mask selecting dates where a forecast exists
    msk = np.in1d(dts, prd.valid_time.isel(step=s))
    # use mask to map quantiles into array
    clm_arr[:, s, :, :][:, :, msk] = (
        .values.transpose((0, 2, 1))
Compute the climatology benchmark CRPS
crps_climatology = evalhyd.evalp(

Compute skill scores

Once the benchmarks have been computed, it is trivial to obtain the skill scores from the score and the benchmarks.

Compute the CRPSS against the persistence benchmark
crpss_persistence = 1 - (crps_forecast / crps_persistence)
Compute the CRPSS against the climatology benchmark
crpss_climatology = 1 - (crps_forecast / crps_climatology)



Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2020): Reforecasts of river discharge and related data by the Global Flood Awareness System. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). DOI: 10.24381/cds.2d78664e (Accessed on 10-May-2023)


Zsoter, E., Harrigan, S., Barnard, C., Blick, M., Ferrario, I., Wetterhall, F., Prudhomme, C. (2020): Reforecasts of river discharge and related data by the Global Flood Awareness System. v2.2. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). URL:!/dataset/cems-glofas-reforecast (Accessed on 10-May-2023)


Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) (2019): River discharge and related historical data from the Global Flood Awareness System. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). DOI: 10.24381/cds.a4fdd6b9 (Accessed on 10-May-2023)


Harrigan, S., Zsoter, E., Barnard, C., Wetterhall, F., Ferrario, I., Mazzetti, C., Alfieri, L., Salamon, P., Prudhomme, C. (2021): River discharge and related historical data from the Global Flood Awareness System. v2.1. Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) Climate Data Store (CDS). URL:!/dataset/cems-glofas-historical (Accessed on 10-May-2023)


Harrigan, S., Zsoter, E., Cloke, H., Salamon, P., and Prudhomme, C. (2023): Daily ensemble river discharge reforecasts and real-time forecasts from the operational Global Flood Awareness System, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 27, 1–19,