

Hydrological modeling packages in

  • topmodel
  • dynatopmodel
  • TUWmodel
  • Ecohydmod
  • hydromad (not on CRAN)
  • etc.

… and of course airGR & airGRteaching

Why these packages?

The models included are simple…

they can be coded from the publications so many versions in many languages exist.

Prone to code mistakes

Objectives of the packages:

  • the GR models development team controls the "official" version
  • modular functionalities
  • Fortran still used for the model cores (faster)
  • all other functions in R

airGR(teaching) Models & Tools


GR hydrological models

Rainfall-runoff lumped models developed since the 90's at IRSTEA

  • annual: GR1A
  • month: GR2M
  • day: GR4J, GR5J, GR6J
  • hour: GR4H

Snow model

  • CemaNeige


Error criteria

  • RMSE
  • Nash-Sutcliffe
  • KGE
  • KGE'

Calibration algorithm

  • Housemade global then local optimisation

Dataset input

Dataset preparation

data.frame of 2 basins from 1985 to 2005

##       Date                  P                  E         
##  Min.   :1985-01-01   Min.   : 0.00000   Min.   :0.0000  
##  1st Qu.:1990-01-01   1st Qu.: 0.04297   1st Qu.:0.4354  
##  Median :1995-01-01   Median : 0.90565   Median :1.0481  
##  Mean   :1995-01-01   Mean   : 3.28253   Mean   :1.2721  
##  3rd Qu.:2000-01-01   3rd Qu.: 4.19317   3rd Qu.:1.9221  
##  Max.   :2004-12-31   Max.   :63.58900   Max.   :5.7799  
##       Qmm                 T             Basin     
##  Min.   : 0.03988   Min.   :-13.668   12001:7305  
##  1st Qu.: 0.62357   1st Qu.:  4.254   50002:7305  
##  Median : 1.42465   Median :  7.986               
##  Mean   : 2.25734   Mean   :  7.814               
##  3rd Qu.: 2.76480   3rd Qu.: 11.480               
##  Max.   :38.97774   Max.   : 24.174               
##  NA's   :1


airGRteaching overview

Coding can be a hard task for some students

  • slows down the understanding of the concepts presented during courses
  • limited time to teach programming

airGRteaching contains only very basic functions

B12001 <- dfObs[dfObs$Basin == "12001", 
                c("Date", "P", "E", "Qmm", "T")]
PREP <- PrepGR(ObsDF = B12001, 
               HydroModel = "GR4J", CemaNeige = TRUE)

airGRteaching graphical functions

dyplot(): dynamic chart to explore data


airGRteaching calibration

Model calibration on a given period, with the KGE' criterion

CAL <- CalGR(PrepGR = PREP, CalCrit = "KGE2",
             WupPer = c("1989-01-01", "1989-12-31"), 
             CalPer = c("1990-01-01", "1993-12-31"))
## Grid-Screening in progress (0% 20% 40% 60% 80% 100%)
##   Screening completed (729 runs)
##       Param =  432.681 ,   -0.020 ,   20.697 ,    1.417 ,    0.002 ,    4.961
##       Crit KGE'[Q]      = 0.8025
## Steepest-descent local search in progress
##   Calibration completed (36 iterations, 1138 runs)
##       Param =  320.368 ,    0.405 ,   35.589 ,    1.191 ,    0.002 ,    4.589
##       Crit KGE'[Q]      = 0.8518

airGRteaching calibration

Plotting calibration process

plot(CAL, which = "iter")

airGRteaching calibration

Plotting performances

plot(CAL, which = "perf")

airGRteaching simulation

To check if the calibration is correct, we can perform an evaluation on an independent period (Klemes split-sample test)

SIM <- SimGR(PrepGR = PREP, CalGR = CAL, EffCrit = "KGE2",
             WupPer = c("1993-01-01", "1993-12-31"),
             SimPer = c("1994-01-01", "1998-12-31"))
## Crit. KGE'[Q] = 0.8679
##  SubCrit. KGE'[Q] cor(sim, obs, "pearson") = 0.8941 
##  SubCrit. KGE'[Q] cv(sim)/cv(obs)          = 1.0469 
##  SubCrit. KGE'[Q] mean(sim)/mean(obs)      = 0.9365

airGRteaching simulation

Plotting the resulting discharge time series


airGRteaching Shiny interface

List of 2 basins data.frame

colSelect <- c("Date", "P", "E", "Qmm", "T")
listObs <- list(B12001 = dfObs[dfObs$Basin == "12001", colSelect],
                B50002 = dfObs[dfObs$Basin == "50002", colSelect])

Launching the Shiny interface for 2 basins

ShinyGR(ObsDF = listObs,
        SimPer = list(c("1994-01-01", "1998-12-31"),
                      c("1994-01-01", "1998-12-31")))

Only daily models available

Possibility to put the GUI on the Web with a Shiny server


airGR overview

airGR allows for more advanced or systematic tests

Use of:

  • bootstrap technique for calibration
  • additional calibration algorithms

Possibility to set:

  • some model parameters
  • initial reservoir levels
  • internal states
  • etc.



Use of optimisation algorithms from other R packages

See the "V02.1_param_optim" vignette for implementation

optDE <- DEoptim::DEoptim(fn = OptimGR4J,
                          lower = lowerGR4J, upper = upperGR4J)
optPSO <- hydroPSO::hydroPSO(fn = OptimGR4J,
                             lower = lowerGR4J, upper = upperGR4J)


Final words

airGRteaching can be used to:

  • play with the models parameters or understand the models components
  • help someone very bad at coding to make hydrological modeling

airGR can be used to:

  • make more advanced hydrological modeling
  • plug the rainfall-runoff models with your own tools

License: GPL-2

Coron, L., Thirel, G., Delaigue, O., Perrin, C., Andréassian, V., 2017: The Suite of Lumped GR Hydrological Models in an R package, Environmental Modelling & Software, 94, 166-171, DOI: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2017.05.002.
